Sorry dear hb.. i didnt even post a special entry on ur bday.. time was not on our side amd I am just glad that u enjoyed the simple cake that I baked for u..

Hb turned 32 last friday.. we had a simple affair.. Sonia sang papa a birthday song.. ate the cake that I baked and went out for dinner.. we got home just in time for me to bake suji and went to bed as early as i could cos i knew that I would be one super busy woman during the weekend... that night we also got to know fm mom that one of our close relatives, Wak 'Misai' had just passed on.. hb went to the wake on sat afternoon right after we got home fm marketing.

We did Hari Raya open house yesterday and invited friends and relatives to our place.. hb invited a few of his ex German School classmates and also his working colleagues, Hairi invited some of his friends over too and the house was filled with ppl as early as half past 11 eventho our invitation only started at 12pm.. I was still in my pyjamas when we got a phone call that one of our guests was already at the guard house asking for our house nbr! thank goodness by half past 11.. the food was ready.. I boiled lontong aka nasi empit, cooked lodeh, rendang, sambal goreng, ayam masak merah, satay goreng, curry puff, mee soto.. we also had sambal sotong n bagedil that was prepared by Lyn and her MIL cos I simply cant take the load of cooking everything myself.. I didnt even get to sleep the whole night cos at 3am while waiting for my rendang to cook.. I decided to prepare my chocolate truffle and chocolate macarons.. silly old me.. knowing exactly that I might end up staying up the whole night preparing it!

Anyway long story short.. we had like abt 80 - 100 guest.. maybe more at our place yesterday.. everyone got to eat.. everyone stayed long and it was one enjoyable get-together ever.. I was very very tired.. no sleep and only went to bed at 1am this morning after cleaning up my place.. worth every bit of my time cos all my guests enjoyed the food that I had prepared and to see all of our guests eating more than 2 servings and complimenting the food and desert that was prepared was such a blessing.. thank you all for coming.. ty sis Lyn&co and also hb for helping me out..(we totally forgot to take photos till it was after 5pm.. bugger!)

This is the cheesecake recipe that I baked on hb's bday..
Biscuit Base:
300g digestive biscuit
20g cocoa powder
150g melted butter
1 1/2 tsp instant coffee powder (Nescafe) OR
2 cups of chocolate biscuit
100g melted butter
1 1 /2 tsp instant coffee powder
Cream Cheese fillings:
700 gm. Cream Cheese
50 gm. melted chocolate (i used valrhona)
1 tsp. instant coffee powder + 2 Tbsp. hot water
100 gm. fine sugar
1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Essence
2 eggs

(1) For biscuit base: Mix all the ingredients together and press into an 8" springform pan. Press evenly over the bottom and about halfway up the sides of the pan. Chill in the refrigerator till the biscuit base is harden.
(2) To make the fillings, cream the cream cheese until just smooth about 30 seconds, then add in the sugar and beat till smooth. Add in vanilla essence and add 1 egg and beat until incorporated. Scrape the bowl and add in the second egg and continue beating till smooth.
(3) Scoop out 1 cup of the cheese filling, add in melted chocolate and dissolved coffee powder.
(4) Pour the plain batter in the prepared biscuit base and smooth the top.
(5) Spoon pools of chocolate filling over the plain batter, making sure to leave some plain batter showing. Jiggle the pan gently to level the batter. Marble the batters with a chopstick (swirl) until the colours are intermingled but not blended.
(6) Place pan in the oven (baine marie / steam bake) for one hour or till cooked.
(7) Let cheese cake cool in the oven and then chill it before serving.

Note: You can also pour half of the plain mixture into the pan, then scoop some chocolate mixture on top then pour the remainin mixture on top then the remaining chocolate mixture on top. Then swirl for marble effect.
Salam Rima,
Happy Birthday to ur dear hubby! Waa... laratnya u buat open house. I'm contemplating whether to host an open house or not. Rasanya macam malas je, furthermore, hubby is not well. Maybe after Syawal la kot. Everywhere around KL now jam bagai nak rak during weekend due to open houses everywhere. Anyway, have a nice day! :D
epi besday for ur hubby rim! kek tuh nampak sodap lorrr... aku nak buat jugak ah! kasi gemok sket laki aku! hahahaha....(kaber line..sebenonyer aku yg nak makan byk! hahaha).. geram btol tgk mata sonia tuh! santekkk!
A birthday wish for your hubby. May Allah bless his life always. Your open house looks really happening! :-). Congrats for a job well done. I don't know how you could still look fresh without much sleep, hehehe. If it was me, there'll be bags the size or suitcases uder my eyes :-D.
happy belated bthday brother in law.may you have an enjoyable years ahead of you with my super duper wife (happen to be my sister) and your cutie butie daughter
Ty ty.. actually every yr we will try to do open house.. tahun ni macam lambat sikit due to hectic schedule.. hb colleagues sampai asked him bila they all dapat makan my rendang lol.. it was such a blessing cos bukan selalu kita dapat jumpa everyone in one day hehe
LOL Hana.. betul2.. kita buat kek kek ni semua nak mengemok kan hb hb kita kannnn..
Ty for the wish.. orang nye kat Vietnam till Friday.. kira kita same same boat.. nak masak shiok2 pun malas eh
Hehehe LG.. bags of eyes tu sememangnye ade.. mana boleh tak de.. nasib that day semua orang tak kata i look tired.. instead they said i dah kurus.. woaaahhh that kind of comment lah membuat kita look fresh muahahhaa
Alamak Beauty.. tang bila tu yg i jadi ur super duper wife muakakakakahh
Hi Rima,
Happy birthday to you hubby..
wow..your menu dengan lodehnye, sambal gorengnye, satay goreng lagi, bergedil lagi...nyummy..
berbaloi kan walaupun penat masak bila tengok our guests enjoy the food we prepared...
Ah ah.. semua penat hilang bila guest kata gitu but bila dah finally dapat letak kepala kat bantal.. adehhh out of the blue tangan, kaki, badan semua sakit sakit hahaha
happy bday mr rima! should hv invited so stressed wt work and baking and orders all queueing up! hv a brilliant week!
Lain kali ur in Sg u let me know lah.. boleh kita bersembang hehehe
Kesian nye.. i can imagine.. stressed at work dah satu hal.. stress nak siap kan orders kadang tu buat kita feel a little bored lah thats why i stop taking orders sejak a decade ago
Selamat Hari Raya Rima & family and a happy birthday to your hubby too. Your open house menu looks very sedap and not forgetting the bday cake...simple but delicious.
I nak tanya sikitlah. When in JKT, where do you go to get your baking stuff/recipe books? I might be gg nxt week, and if I hv time, nak juga chk out the place. Thk u.
Nurwin (
Hi Nurin
When in Jkt i will alwats try to go to Titan.. U can google for the right adrs ok.. Do go to the one in fatmawati cos they hv more stuff there.. I will always check out their supermarket for promotions on baking stuff too.. Resepi books u can either go n get it at their local bookstore or supermarket.. Also check out their local magazine.. U can get lots of baking magazines fm there too..
He is 32? Wow! he looks like erm... 42 :D and u definitely look younger than ur age.
ahemm... (do i get to taste the mocha marble cheesecake Rima? he he...)
Salam Rima, how r u now..da hilang penat nyer???anywayz, Hepi Birthdey 2 ur Hubby eh, kite same2 tumpang doakan kesejahteraan nyer n moga2 he will teros support u in ur membaking n kooking...heee3..kite bole tumpang tgk2 jer la ur resep2 yg marbeles...misah..
nak macaroons lagi....*droolz*
ilah like this. *thumbs up*
nurul dapat makan macaroon ... and she say sedap .... ilah *droooling* hahahha
Salam..Singgah..mengintai dapur ..RIMA...Happy birthday to hubby Yr ya...Akak nnti nk try buat Kek yg pakai putih telur tu la...nmpak sedap!!lagipun putih telur byk kt umah akak...Tunggu ya..
Salam Rima, suka masuk dapur Rima ni..Happy Birthday to your hb..waa baru 32, mudanyaaa...anak sulung akak dah 21..hehee...Apapun, you have a nice cake there, mintak izin nnt nak geledah lg dapur Rima yea..
Muahahha.. u my friend Yan.. hes 32 and a decade younger than me and since u dah baik hati kata i dont look my age.. of cos u can have the last 3 slices of cheesecake in my fridge... ambik lah hehehe
Ty Misah.. I am pretty sure later tonight when he kepo baca all the comments he will leave a comment.. he flew to Vietnam tadi..
Lahhh kesian nye Ain.. bilang mak nak sotong lagi bolehhhh.. kita exchange.. i get the pedas one u get the sweet one hehehe
Si Ain semua pun sedap muahahha.. cuba try and bake lah since u fav makan macarons.. siapa tahu menjadi macam ur putri salad :o)
Ty Kak Norli and cuba lah.. tak salah pun mencuba since ade banyak putih telur.. hopefully menepati citarasa..
Salam Ummi.. anak kita yg first pun dah bujang.. almost 20.. hb Rima memang muda but berjiwa orang lama muahahha.. lagu lagu yg dia dgr semuanye era 60s and 70s.. lagu owang putih yg baru baru semua dia tak tahu and tak minat :o)
Ty for the wish and sila lah geledah hehe
saja kasi ilah jeles...told her tat i get to eat wat u bake..ehehe..hah cik Ilah...nampak tu...kak ima asked u to try the macaroons...u try oredi..u gimme some...i become tukang rasa...ok set??... :D
exchange eh...ok nanti nak pujuk mak so buat sambal sotong eh...haritu makan tak puas ayah soh mak masak lagi smlm...hahah...
Sedap punya pasal lah sebab tu ayah soh mak masak lagi.. kita pong dapat makan sikit aje.. maklum bila dah sibuk and dah too tired.. selera macam tak dak :o)
salam Rima,
Happy birthday to your hubby ya!!
may all his wishes come true & be happy selalu..
wah nice open house, ramai juga yang datang ya kalau dah nak dekat 100 orang tuu..penat juga melayan tetamu nikan..hehe..
Salam and ty Ayu.. I am pretty sure dia happy bangat bila dia dapat tahu that he got lots of bday wishes today..
Memang penat but masa orang ramai kita tak rasa.. bila orang semua dah balik mula lah badan sakit sakit.. next day bangun tido my hb said i penat sampai snoring muahahha.. nasib lah kannn
Hello babe!!
wah ni hari ai manyak buzy rabaksss kat opis lah..sampai no time to blog hop...bila 3 boss masuk sekali gus kat opis, ai jadik cam lipas kodong.. goes.... happy bday to yr hubby...
baik hati wofwy dia watkan kek yg mabelessss, gorjess...very loike!!!
oso, ai sgt takjub..takjub ya bukan taksub...melihat tahap kerajinan & keupayaan u masak & prepare makan2..for 80 to 100 pple...gosh!!! kalo ai tak larat..maximum agaknya 50 jer kot...
nasib baik member2 blogger u nih pemalu orangnya..kalo tak pong kena serbu gak yr house..buat muka sardin pi makan2..tapi as kita kan pemalu..tu yg duduk umah jer lah & intai kat sini...
U know...masa belek2 the pics is really a small country..that's all i have to say..hehe :)
Lahhhh kesian nye working woman ni.. i can imagine macam mana lipas kodong nye u bila kat office hehe
Yes Sg is indeed a small country.. everyone pun pasti ade bersangkut paut.. can be either friends or relatives.. i teringat waktu i nak got married to my ex.. we found out that we are actually related.. friends and also saudara jauh.. my ex FIL is my late granduncle punya best friend.. and his siapa entah is related to my siapa entah hahaha
So cakap.. siapa yg u kenal kat gambar tu hahaha
Hello Ladieeeees,
Whaa today super famous lah. Sampai wife pun jeles...
It's ok. It's called: "one Minute of Fame". Next year when I turn 33 you can all come to my birthday party and watch me blow candles ok?!
And I make sure that Rima bakes all types of cakes and cookies and dessert and stuff.... and then you can all watch me eat it all up! Muahahahahaha
I think it must be the Vietnam smog getting to me. Anyway, thanks for the wishes!
Mr Rima
Happy Birthday Mr Rima. May Allah bless your life always. EeeeeEh! Mr Rima did comment for us ladies.. So kalakar lah you.
I am sorry to say that Mr Rima does'nt look 32 but 40s. Sorry, sangat-sangat sory. Rima looks 32, indeed. Tak kesah lah beb, age is a matter of number, as long as you are happy.
Lain kali post la kat blog ada open house, kalau ada kat SG, memang buat muka tak malu ngenden rendang, lontong kat rumah you.
Mr Rima.. dont over muahahha
Waktu i first met him he was only 23 and i dah tua kerepot .. 33.. over the years after we got married.. rambut dia banyak gugur.. stress barangkali.. ahakss
Yes age is just a nbr... but to be told that i look younger than him.. woweeeee kembang setaman makcik ni muakakakaa.. jgn marah eh.. i gurau aje
Insyallah.. kalau tak de open hse also can tell me if ur in sg ok :o)
ko ni wat aku gelak sakan....muahahhahaha...melampau kan cakap 33 tua kerepot!!!kecik ati orang umur 34 ke atas...wahkahkahkah...
muahahha babe.. yg tua kerepot tu ai lah.. orang lain takkkkkk ... sungguh tidakkkkkk :op
nice pix of daddy n daughter.
wow u 10yrs diff n yet u tak look older than him.
btw now i know i se usia u and our eldest too se usia. my youngest is 3yrs.
but sadly i dnt look as young as u.
wats d secret? :)
My secret Awin?? muahahha mana ade.. i guess my family semua can get away with our age.. my youngest sis ade anak 2 and shes 33.. rupe macam teenagers hehehhe.. lagi satu kawin with youngie ni nak kena banyak sabar.. maklum walau macam mana pun the maturity level tu tak sama but since he was born into a family yg everything also berdasar kan independent.. he grew up too fast and i got smitten by him ahakkksss
salam.. kak rima at what temparature shud we bake the cake? 160? tq.
Salam Illi
Yes. yes.. i didnt realised i tak letak the temp.. tks!
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